Change is inevitable…comming soon

The Eleven Senses of Man

All quadruped animals have five sensory organs – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin; though they do have something that bipeds don’t – an extra-sensory perception that we call intuition. Bipeds on the other hand have five sensory organs and a very rudimentary intuitive. Scientists say that there is a direct correlation between agility and the five senses. The more senses you have, the smarter, the faster you are.

Taking into consideration this fact, man should have been a little less bright than any other animal on earth. But it’s not so. Why?

We are lovingly called “Homo Sapien Sapiens”

What does man have that other creatures don’t?Why did man (who is puny) and not the elephant (who is mighty and extremely intelligent) invent the wheel?Why wasn’t fire invented by a firefly? Clearly they have an affinity for it! Or why wasn’t Einstein a fox terrier? (There is an uncanny resemblance though) For that matter, for millions of years billions of apples must have fallen on trillions of other animals. Why didn’t they think of gravity? So, we’ve established that man did all of the above but the question “why man?” has not yet been answered. Was it fate that called upon man’s intellect or was it sheer dumb luck??

The answer lies before you. What you are doing right now is the reason why! Man doesn’t just see things, he observes them. Man doesn’t hear. He listens. Man doesn’t just touch. He feels. And thus my friends, man doesn’t just exist! He co-exists! Today man has reached Mars and the Moon, milestone seems trivial. The reason is passion. Man’s passion to grow and to push himself to his limits. His passion is what leads to the metamorphosis of an anthropoid primate into the smartest animal on the planet. We are lovingly called “Homo Sapien Sapiens”

A very famous Homo Sapien Sapien once said “Passion is the genesis of Genius”, and I’m sure all the other Homo Sapien Sapiens agrees.If not, how else would a weak polio stricken girl be an Olympic Gold medal winner? And how else would a deaf blind girl be a lecturer? How else could a man gone stark blind make a movie? Man’s not just sixth but, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh sense is passion. That’s what sets him apart from the animal kingdom. Everyone has a passion….What’s yours?

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